  • Caught on Camera 9th March

    Our PE Readers bring to you this month some of the 'shocking' discoveries they have made on a job!   ...

    Our PE Readers bring to you this month some of the 'shocking' discoveries they have made on a job!     ...

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  • Caught on Camera - March 2nd

    Courtesy of our Facebook page, check out the latest Caught on Camera Exclusives. Keep them coming…   ...

    Courtesy of our Facebook page, check out the latest Caught on Camera Exclusives. Keep them coming…     ...

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  • Caught on Camera - February 23rd

    Our PE readers have sent in their latest batch of 'shocking' photos. If you come across something tr ...

    Our PE readers have sent in their latest batch of 'shocking' photos. If you come across something truly shocking then snap a picture and either email it, Tweet us or drop us a ...

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  • Caught on Camera 16th February 2018

    If you come across something truly shocking snap a photo and send it to Professional Electrician (pe@hame ...

    If you come across something truly shocking snap a photo and send it to Professional Electrician (, tweet us (@Proelectrician) or Facebook us ( ...

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  • Caught on Camera 9th February 2018

    It's that time of the week again! Here we share with you the 'shocking' images sent to us by PE readers o ...

    It's that time of the week again! Here we share with you the 'shocking' images sent to us by PE readers out on-site.       ...

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  • Caught on Camera 2nd February 2018

    Thanks to our PE readers we have received the latest batch of 'shocking' practise. If you come acros ...

    Thanks to our PE readers we have received the latest batch of 'shocking' practise. If you come across something truly shocking then snap a photo and either email it, Tweet us ...

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  • Caught on Camera Extra - January

    PE readers share their latest batch of shocking snaps and frightening findings from job-sites around the ...

    PE readers share their latest batch of shocking snaps and frightening findings from job-sites around the country.   LEE WILKINSON (VIA FACEBOOK): I found this homemade bus bar arrangement ex ...

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  • Caught on Camera November 2017

    NICEIC and ELECSA’s technical support team share their thoughts on the latest examples of ‘shocking’ prac ...

    NICEIC and ELECSA’s technical support team share their thoughts on the latest examples of ‘shocking’ practise, as spotted by you. INSPECTOR SAYS: Looks like the children installed it! INSPECTOR SAYS: ...

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  • Caught on Camera: July/August 2017

    NICEIC and ELECSA’s technical support team share their thoughts on the latest examples of ‘shocking’ prac ...

    NICEIC and ELECSA’s technical support team share their thoughts on the latest examples of ‘shocking’ practise, as spotted by you. [ngg_images source="galleries" container_ids="63" display_type="photoc ...

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  • Caught on Camera Exclusives

    Courtesy of our magazine readers, check out the latest Caught on Camera Exclusives. Keep them coming… And ...

    Courtesy of our magazine readers, check out the latest Caught on Camera Exclusives. Keep them coming… Andy Craig: "I was called in to connect a heat pump onto a system which was at first fix stage and ...

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