Check out our latest round-up of #CaughtOnCamera shockers! Have you seen something shocking, funny or surprising while on the job? Take a pic and send it in via DM on one of our social channels or send it directly to pe@hamerville.co.uk for the chance to be featured!
We’re back with another shocking #caughtoncamera sent in by Lewis Boden (magnoliafan89) on Instagram – “This was before Christmas at a time where a lot was plugged in and running, and then the shower was going…Major overload. Luckily the owner had a mains linked smoke alarm next to the board as this was in a utility passage.”💥😱
Check out this #caughtoncamera sent in by John Day Services – “Take a look at this beautiful light (shower) switch I had the pleasure to inspect. This is how I found it: 2x6MM neutral in the common (with cores snipped) one red into L1 and the other in L2. Yes, that is a burn mark on the ceiling!” ⚠️
Rob Bryden sent us in this #caughtoncamera – “Here’s a picture of a recent EICR we carried out. The bus bar had burnt out due to loose connections on the neutrals!”