Pete (Monty) Monfort, Director of Arena Training Centre and Monty Electrics, puts the Megger MFT-X1 through its paces this month.
Most sparks seem to sit in one camp when it comes to a brand of tester. From my side of things, I’ve always used Megger so I was really excited to be able to get my hands on the latest MFT from the brand – the X1.
I originally invested in the MFT1711 a number of years ago and it has served me faultlessly in that time.
I was, therefore, interested to see whether the X1 would be easy to get to grips with or if it would be like a new version of Windows (you know that feeling when your computer gets an updated operating system that is totally different and you can’t find any of the functionality anymore?).
I was also eager to see if some of the apprentices at Arena Training Centre would be able to quickly grasp the controls and understand the unit.
But first, an introduction…
The X1 is a state-of-the-art multi-function tester that combines all the tests required for basic building wiring installation, testing and troubleshooting, packed into a small portable device.
The unit is solidly built and seems more robust than my old one, which is useful because even with the greatest care in the world, eventually you’re going to drop it! In fact, if you haven’t seen the video of the guy driving his van over a MFT1730, it’s worth checking out on YouTube.
The tester comes in a custom carry case with space for all the leads which have been redeveloped and include longer probes for much safer live testing and a micro probe for getting into Wago connectors. There’s also some cool new spring-loaded clips, nicknamed ‘Sigourneys’ after the Alien film – when you see one you’ll understand why!
The button operated lead remains as well, allowing the operator to initiate tests without having to touch the tester. The probes for the earth rod test are also great and will connect like jack plugs into the test leads.
The unit comes with a rechargeable battery and you can now purchase a replacement unit that holds normal batteries in case you run out of charge on the job. I found mine to have a good useable battery life on a real world test.
Test features
All the usual testing functionality is present with some great extra features.
True Loop technology is an advanced 3-wire non-trip loop testing technology which offers an unmatched, reliable, accurate, stable and repeatable loop test solution to the user with a visual Confidence Meter display which allows testing against a backdrop of high noise conditions or close to the source of supply.
It even removes the RCD uplift and works on circuits protected by 10 mA protective devices, with a resolution of up to 0.001 ohms which is impressive.
The RCD test options allow you to carry out half, x1, x2, x5, variable and ramp tests on different RCD types including AC, AC(S), A, A(S), B, B(S), EV A/B, EV A/RDC and the custom panel allows you to put together any automated sequence you like to suit your particular testing, regardless of whether you’re doing domestic, commercial, electric vehicle or specialist testing.
An automatic touch voltage test (which basically checks compliance with regulation 411.5.3) ensures touch voltages are kept below 50 V and this can be customised to 25 V for even greater safety margins.
The interface is not only crystal clear in all lighting but it is also in full colour with colours that are matched to the selected test. If you’re new to the interface it is an easy tester to learn to use and our apprentices found it simple.
It features two control knobs, just like the older series MFTs, although the X1 has the addition of ‘hot keys’ which allow the user to quickly alter test types and customise tests with the function knobs, allowing for fast scrolling too.
Those of you who are already familiar with the Megger design will not struggle to pick the X-1 up and I’m confident you’ll quickly fall in love with the hot keys.
Software compatibility
If you purchase the CertSuite software the X1 populates certificates via Bluetooth, permitting a number of engineers to all work on one test certificate. If you do a lot of testing, this feature is an absolute game-changer and time-saver.
The MFT can be updated so that improvements and additions can be added using a micro SD card and the Megger team has produced a whole series of 2-to-3-minute help videos, one of which shows this process.
I always try to be fair when picking out the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of any item I test. Honestly, the only ‘con’ with the X1 could be the price, as it is more on the premium end of things. That said, when you match up against some of the other brands out there, I think it’s actually competitively priced.
When you consider that its versatility allows for testing of EV chargepoints, domestic PV, motors/generators, machine testing, portable appliances, panel building and switchgear as well as cable, coupled with the already established reputation for rugged build quality, there’s an awful lot of functionality for your buck.
In terms of the significant ‘pros’, for me the simplicity of use and function, the myriad of customisable testing sequences and the ability to update it and add functionality later in line with new developments and regulations coming in are the stand-out features of this product.
I did have a chuckle when one of my colleagues described the MFT-X1 as ‘very sexy’. I haven’t tested this theory yet although I reckon our lass would love the bag!
Visit the Megger MFT-X1 product information page here
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