The ‘Your Epic Home’ App: an easier way of managing domestic jobs

The ‘Your Epic Home’ App: an easier way of managing domestic jobs

Following the launch of a new App which aims to help both electrical professionals and end user customers to manage prospective jobs in a much easier way, we talk to electrician and inventor, David Evans, to find out more about his ‘Epic’ idea.

Q. David, before we talk further about Your Epic Home, tell us more about your background in the electrical industry.

I started my electrical industry career after leaving school in the early 2000s and worked as an apprentice for local businesses. After gaining some experience I went on to work on Heathrow’s Terminal 5 and eventually started my own business – Epic Electrical – in 2006, which provided me with the opportunity to work all over the world.

Q. How did the idea for the Your Epic Home concept first come about and what has the development process been like?

I’d long wanted to find a solution that could make the process of managing domestic jobs easier, so contractors wouldn’t find themselves bogged down by paperwork and administration. The development process behind Your Epic Home was a bit slower than I’d originally hoped for, mainly because of the time it’s taken to get all sides aligned with terminology and the different processes that need to be done to make the App function correctly.

Q. How does the Your Epic Home concept and App work?

The concept is just like an MoT for your car but instead applies to your home. Customers are able to find the service they need undertaking within their property, can choose a date that is suitable to them and will know exactly how much they’re going to pay. They’ll then be able to keep all the certification for the property within the App and, should they sell the property in future, they can then transfer the documentation to the new homeowner using a one-time passcode.

From a contractor perspective, they’re able to use the App to easily and quickly infill their diaries and have the reassurance that they will get paid out within 5-7 days of the job. This removes any outlay for materials and also means they don’t have to chase the customer for payment or spend the evening undertaking paperwork.

Q. Which types of individuals and businesses would the App suit best?

For us the App is about ensuring customer safety within their home. It is therefore an ideal solution for homeowners, tenants, landlords, housebuilders and estate agents. We’re also looking at its use within social housing and housing associations.

Q. Are there any costs and subscription fees involved?

Currently the App is free to download for both customers and contractors. The only time there is a subscription charge is if someone has more than two properties, but the charges are minimal and increase with the more properties they own.

Q. What sort of impact do you hope that the App launch will have on the electrical industry?

We’re hoping that the App will have a positive impact, not just across the electrical industry but also throughout other sectors as well. Contractors will have a platform to use that is free and will allow them a quick way to gain work to fill in any gaps in their diary. In turn, the quicker payment process will help their cashflow. Additionally, contractors can pick jobs local to them which will help with their overall green footprint.

Download the App from the Apple Store here

Download the App from Google Play here

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