Check out our latest round-up of #CaughtOnCamera shockers! Have you seen something shocking, funny or surprising while on the job? Take a pic and send it in via DM on one of our social channels or send it directly to pe@hamerville.co.uk for the chance to be featured!
Thanks to Jon Stuart for sending in this #caughtoncamera – “Customer phoned me up to report his board was sparking and arcing on the left fuse in yellow, he had wedged card and paper between the fuses to stop it from doing so. When questioned about the condition of the installation (aka death trap), the customer informed me they had lived there for 30 years.
The installation is as it was when they moved in, never been altered or checked, and just look at the amount of dirt in the inside of the lid, thatβs clearly not been on for some time. Look at the access to live parts inside the board, look closely at the line conductors going into the top of the fuse on the left, discoloured, melted, cremated. Also check out the cpc on the cooker cable, resting on one of the line conductors, that had been getting a tad bit warm. In one of the photos you can see that the cpc has literally melted in two, resulting in the cooker not being earthed.
I am going back to carry out a full top to bottom 100% inspection of the accessible electrical installation, and relocate/install a modern board in the garage. The garage photo attached is from the same property, it is a lovely example of how to use live meter tails for a washing line and how to install the consumer unit. This will be getting sorted also.” 😱💥
Check out this #caughtoncamera mts.elec sent us on Instagram – “I found the eLeCtRiCiAn on Facebook!”⚡️
Check out this #caughtoncamera sent in by David Laing – “The item in the attached photo was discovered when performing a PAT on a table lamp for a charity organisation. Neutral connected to earth pin, damaged cable and a 13a fuse. Even better still, there was a “pass” sticker on the plug top…” 😭